Friday, October 1, 2010

Vindictus Online

Genre: Fantasy
Status: Open Beta
Genre: Fantasy
Status: Open Beta

Official Website:Nexon Homepage

Vindictus(Mabinogi: Heroes in Korea) shares the same world view with Mabinogi which was developed by DevCat Studio three years ago, but its style and gameplay are totally different from Mabinogi. In April 2007, this MMORPG was for the first time announced with the name of Project Heroes, but now its name is officially changed to Mabinogi Heroes. Mabinogi Heroes uses the Source game engine which is also used by Half-Life 2 and Counter Strike.

I recently was accepted into the beta, It's pretty fun and I love the new no targeting system!
If you would like a beta key just comment and let me know!


  1. Vindictus? Vin damn near killed us!

  2. i wonder how well the Source engine will work for an mmo?


    Seen this? Lann's Dark Knight transformation (Korea only as far as I know) is pretty broken.

  4. I'm waiting for this game to come out! I think the Korean version is called Mabinogi Heroes?
